IBS is a complex disorder that presents differently in each person that has the misfortune to suffer with it. This is the crux of why the question ‘Can Yogurt Help With IBS?’ is so very difficult to answer.

What is IBS?

IBS, also known by its full name – Irritable Bowel Syndrome is a very common condition that affects the large intestine and is considered to be chronic. Some of the typical symptoms of IBS include:

  • Stomach pain and abdominal cramps
  • An alteration in bowel movements and habits (e.g. diarrhea or constipation)
  • Bloating and swollen stomach
  • Wind (or flatulence)

Treating IBS can be incredibly challenging as each person experiences different symptoms and these symptoms can come and go at different points in their life. Stress is thought to increase the likelihood of IBS symptoms appearing. Genetics and hormonal changes are also thought to play their part, however, the exact cause is still unknown.

The issue of yogurt and IBS is something that has been discussed for many years without resolution. For some people, it has been shown to trigger the challenging symptoms of IBS, as described above. Whilst for others, it seems to actually help. To better understand whether or not yogurt is something that sits right in your stomach is simply to try it. After consuming it, any negative symptoms will appear quite quickly so you will very quickly know if yogurt is something to include or exclude in your diet.

Positive Benefits of Yogurt

Eating yogurt will provide you with valuable nutrition, namely protein, calcium, several vitamin B’s and minerals such as potassium and magnesium. Due to its high animal protein content, yogurts are very filling so make a great snack.

Eat Quality Yogurt

That said, not all yogurts are created equal! Make sure that the yogurt you eat is good quality.  Look out for a probiotic yogurt that contains a minimum of 100 million CFUs (colony forming units) which will provide the optimal health benefits to promote positive intestinal health. Yogurts that are plain, without flavor are the best option as they contain less sugar. If you find you need to add something sweet as the taste is too bland for you, try adding stewed fruit, honey or homemade jam to enhance the flavor.

Speak with a Nutritionist

Oftentimes, we fail to establish an effective healthy eating plan that will ensure we avoid suffering the onslaught of symptoms that IBS brings. So, use your doctor who is a great source of knowledge about which foodstuffs are going to get you good/bad results. They can also refer you to a qualified nutritionist whom you can work with to create a healthy diet that fits your personal needs and lifestyle requirements.

Be proactive in addressing the symptoms of IBS and don’t suffer in silence.

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